Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Today some new additions and changes were made to the Release Schedule. Actually the only change is that Nightfire #10 comes out this month, instead of last month. I'd decided to do the cover art myself, but things got crazy last week when my mom went to the hospital. She went home Monday, though. All is well. I'm getting back on the merchandising bandwagon...Because I love money. Actually, I hate money, but find it ever so useful. To begin with, most of the classic white T-shirts that have been available forever (years?) are being reissued between now and April 2007 as ringers (so cute!) and black T-shirts (so cool!). I've always thought most of them would look better in black, so this is pretty groovy. Come to think of it, you all must have agreed, or you wouldn't have e-mailed me so often saying, "The T-shirts should be black!!!" Well, there ya go. Off the subject altogether, I got a first edition of my great-grandfather's book Through Texas on a Mule in the mail today. They almost couldn't find the package when I went to pick it up at the post office. It's the only first edition I've ever found for sale, though there is a copy at the Dallas downtown library. Second editions are easier to find, but both were only printed 57 years ago. It's a crack-me-up little book. I highly recommend it.