Saturday, November 13, 2004

Got a LOT done today. I sent The Great Debate off to Jacksonville, Florida to be judged in the JADA Press Book Awards. I redrafted Metrognomes chapters 30-35, which took me to the end of the manuscript. I added an extension to one scene that totally changes the way it works out. I also went back and added some to chapter 21. Then I made a space for a new chapter between chapters 8 and 9 and renumbered all the existing chapters accordingly. I am almost finished! Finally got "The Ghost in the Olive Grove" print edition up. It's not ridiculously expensive, considering it came out to 22 pages. Still, it's just there for anyone who really wants it. At any rate, I consider the experiment successful so far. Though "Project P" may take a new turn, if ever I get back to it. "Dr. Coffee's Pill" should be posted on the web site on December 6.