Saturday, April 30, 2005

Well, I haven't written much lately. I started another short story. This one's called "The Darkgnome." It's an element of Metrognomes I had wanted to introduce in a short story, but it never came together until now. It takes place about 14 years before "Music of the Metrognomes." Other than that, I've been working at UPS, struggling to read my assignments for school, and worrying about my pecs. A real nice guy I met Online (who happens to have amazing pecs) gave me a few pointers the other day, though. So, we'll see what I can do with them. Another friend, who's a massage therapist showed me a book of hers after that, and it pretty much repeated everything the cyber-guy had said. There you have it, my excuse for not having too much to report. PS --- I hate push ups!