Monday, June 25, 2007

Yes, the new Nightfire episode is going up this month as planned. I haven't been up to blogging lately, due to frustration over not knowing what was going on with Metrognomes. Now, however, they've got someone new on the job at iUniverse, and everything seems to be coming together. The manuscript and eighteen of the illustrations had somehow been misplaced (deleted?), so I had to send them all again last week. Now the book is once again going in for a cover copy polish, then it gets a second editorial evaluation, then we can set a probable date on the release schedule and start thinking about marketing and book signings again. Yay!
On an unrelated note, I got to see the muses on Saturday night. Erasure was in for the True Colors Tour. It was easily the coolest concert I have ever seen! Erasure always inspires me to write. I don't know why. They just move me. Right now, I'm working on finishing up the current Nightfire cycle. Then on to the next Metrognomes.