Friday, July 10, 2009

Hello again. I have recently been trying to correct the problems of my main Web site. If you are reading this, then you are a loyal fan for finding me here. I haven't been able to post links to this or the previous blog entry, and now that I can, I'm afraid to. For some reason, went "inactive," and I have just finished going through the tedious process of re-activating it, only to find that in the editing "room" none of the site's graphics or files are showing up They are all marked with place-holders with little red Xs. I have a terrible fear that I may have to scrap the whole thing and start over from scratch, which would be typical of my life in recent months, but, to quote my beloved Michael Ende, "that's another story and shall be told another time." Meanwhile, the files all still exist in the Tripod archives, and I suppose I'll give this problem 24-hours to correct itself, then I must start saving files for the inevitable total reconstruction, if nothing changes. I am hoping that there is just a glitch while the site is figuring out that it's been re-activated. Here's to my triumphant return to the 'Net! Let's keep our fingers crossed.