Saturday, May 24, 2008

I'm really getting excited about the next Metrognomes novel. I put together a "cast" list, basically jotting notes on who is in the book and why, and all kinds of new angles came out of it. Today, I sat down and typed up major plot points that need to be hit in the book. Connecting the dots led to several other plot points. I hadn't realized what an action-packed story this was going to be. I can hardly wait to see what the chapter-by-chapter outline looks like. I anticipate having even more fun with this one than I had with the first.
I'm at the same stage with the prologue I am writing for next year's reissue of Cry, Wolf.
I am also four scenes into The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas #14 "Immortal Heart." A nice scene came out of today's writing that actually sets up the next story arc perfectly. It's fun seeing what happens when you put all of the characters in town in a room and make them mingle. :)