Friday, January 22, 2016

It's Cold In Here!


Well, there isn't very much on the writing front to update you on this week. My work continues on the unpublishably tedious, novel-length timeline The Annals of Nod, and I am not as far along this week as I would have liked to be. I could blame the weather. Right now it's just over twenty degrees in my writing room, and this particular project isn't a very mobile one. Once I get past these timeline projects, my laptop can save me from any and all bad writing environments. I find fiction writing, once all the necessary outlining and research has been done, to be much more conducive to travel than is the preparation.

This work is so tedious though! A few days ago, I almost skipped it again and got back to the current Nod adventure's unfinished manuscript, then immediately realized (again) how very much I need this epic backstory hammered out in its entirety, so that I know where all of the floating pieces in my mind actually fit, without having to stop and sort it out mid-sentence in a manuscript. So back to the Annals I went, and shall be there again today, and almost certainly tomorrow! Hopefully by next week's blog I will have wrapped it up and gotten back to the fun part of writing again. :)

We will see. I certainly won't make that wishful goal if I don't get right back to it.
