Monday, September 24, 2007

Lots going on today. Haiku #56 went up on the site for those who want to read it. This one was inspired by Sebastian back before he was walking, maybe two visits ago. He's two now! Also, the next ten haikus have been added to the release schedule.
In the Merchandise section, "The Rainbow-Colored Sheep" poster is ready to order. It's available in four different versions: 23" x 35" with a black border, white border, or full bleed and 16" x 20" full bleed.
Other than that, I updated the Q & A page, revising the answer to "When is your next book coming out and what is it about?" and adding the all-too often asked question, "Is The Great Debate the sequel to Cry, Wolf?"
As far as my writing, I spent last week doing research for "Metrognomes II." This week I'm doing some research for The Penny Dreadful. I've also been going over the proofs for Metrognomes: The Shaman's Apprentice.
Right now, however, I have to write my article for the church paper, before the office manager kills me. Peace!