Monday, March 31, 2008

Okay, so sometimes delays happen. :)

Here's the story: From the writing/production side of things, everything is on the ball according to the release schedule. However, from the business end (?) of things...not so much. 2008 is a year of changes for the official site. One of the changes is that we are going "business legit." The new company will be the official publisher of, well, everything we have on the schedule. So the only setback we're facing right now is that, legally, the new company is not yet open for business. We thought it would be by March. But fear not! The plan right now is to revise the release schedule accordingly The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas will continue production as if #13 had been published in March and double up on publication until we're all caught up. We'll do this once we've figured out where on the calendar the new company is more likely to come to life. It will happen with all speed. I'll drop another blog once the schedule is corrected. Peace out!