Saturday, September 25, 2010

The roller coaster ride continues! While I can't say anything specific just yet, I did want to give some sort of an update. Right now, the primary focus is on getting a hardback release of Metrognomes published. I wrote about all of the different ways that this may happen a couple of posts ago. At this point, I can tell you that a tentative decision has been made, and we are waiting for one last element to come in before making any definitive announcement. I remain hopeful that the hardback will still be released during the first week of October, but no promises.

The same decision had been made regarding the "cancelled" eBook release of The Great Debate, though this project remains tabled until time allows us to get back to it.

It is also once again looking like individual issues of The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas could make their way to book stores. We're still in a wait and see place with this one. A lot of what happens with future projects will depend on how well things go with the hardback release of Metrognomes.

One of those future projects involves as yet unpublished haiku. Haiku #112 was posted on the Web site on the 20th, and it is the last haiku planned for such a release. As for the rest of them, you'll just have to wait and see...but not for very long. More after the specifics of Metrognomes in hardback are announced!