Sunday, June 05, 2005

I finished The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas #4 "The Ghost of Alexas Mansion" yesterday. I'm happy with it. This is gonna be a fun cycle. My sister is doing the cover art for it. I added tentative release dates for several things to the Release Schedule page of the Web site today. Now I'm trying to figure out which short story is getting posted in July. It's really between "Dance Macabre" and "The Snake Bride," neither of which I've finished. The thing is, I wanted to do "Dance Macabre" in July and "The Snake Bride" in January, but I promised Molly YEARS ago that she could do the cover art for my 1920s occult detective stories, and she's currently busy with Metrognomes at least through the end of July. So I guess I could post "The Snake Bride," but it's another short symbolic "parable," and I just posted one of those this quarter. Also, I could see ANY of my illustrators doing a brilliant job with this story, which makes it impossible to choose one. Arg! So there you have it: my tale of woe. Rest assured that SOMETHING will be posted in July. Even if it's "Night Light II: The Regurgitation!" No, no, no! Stop screaming, it's not really in the plans. :) I joke!