Thursday, July 14, 2005

Sean Seybold came by tonight, and he showed me his portfolio, asking my opinion. I thought it was great. He's such a good artist. It reminded me that I'd had him in mind for the cover of Nightfire #6. I asked him if he'd be interested, and he sketched out three or four possibilities right there. They were all cool. I told him about the Nephilim in the Nightfire story, who they are and where they come from. I described their symbols and showed Sean some pictures from books I have on hieroglyphics and ancient Egypt. We decided on his third concept, which was way more involved than I'd anticipated. It's going to be brilliant! I'm glad I remembered to ask him about that. Sean's a friend, but I haven't actually "worked" with him in the six years since he did the cover art for Cry, Wolf. The only reason is that he'd asked for more time in the future, and I am always racing against the deadlines. I'm glad to be working with him again.