Thursday, November 11, 2010

Just a quick update on "The Briar Patch Evangelist." The final draft is in, the cover art is in, the eBook is designed. However, we are having some technical difficulties getting it formatted as a .pdf file. It has to do with the decision to upgrade the entire way that Clark Ink publishes eBooks, and a lot of unforeseen challenges. Even reverting back to the old way until we can work out all of the bugs in the new system is a challenge, because it requires a program on the old computer, and the eBook has been designed on the new computer. The translation between computers is imperfect. So we have some challenges to get through. I think I've decided that we are reverting back to the old way, but I don't know how long it will take to get everything worked out in order for that to work. I have a youth retreat this weekend, so the new eBook will probably be published, one way or another, on Monday or Tuesday. I'm fairly frustrated right now, and I plan to take a day or two next week to do nothing but sort out these issues with the new distributor, so that all future projects can move ahead as planned. We can get around the issues for eBooks; it's the print projects that we can't do any other way right now. More as I know it. Meanwhile, I plan to post the cover art and synopsis for you if I have time before this weekend. Peace! - Glenn