Monday, February 25, 2013

The Metrognomes Saga on Kindle Update

Yesterday and today (it's after 2am as I type this), I worked on finalizing the all new fourth edition of "Music of the Metrognomes" for the Kindle. I kept finding things in the front matter that I wanted to change and going back to the original file and having to rebuild the e-book each time. The "Also by" page didn't list my latest Nightfire collection, the copyright page didn't credit Molly Brimer for the cover art. I wanted these things fixed. So they are. Later today, I'll be getting the paperback version ready to go and updating accordingly.

And yes, this does mean that the rest of the Metrognomes series is on the way to Kindle with new editions of both the short story "Metrognomes: Worse than a Gremlin" and the novel Metrognomes: The Shaman's Apprentice. I'll have more details on those releases soon, and "Music of the Metrognomes" will be out today. I'll post something here when the new edition is out. Right now all of the links on the Web site lead to the previous edition. I'll update all that first thing after I wake up.

For now, I must sleep.