Friday, February 15, 2013

The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas, Volumes III, IV, and V Update

Today I did some outlining, because all the ideas in my head for the next story in The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas finally started leaking out of my ears. I realized I had just too many ideas for one cycle of the series, so I laid out Volumes III, IV, and V all at once and started plotting all of these ideas in a way that made sense and gave each story element room to breathe. I'm pretty pleased and eager to get back to the series when the time is right. For now, I'm still focused on getting the second edition of Cry, Wolf out, first and foremost and also the new episode of The Legends of Nod. Still, it's good to have the plan there when it's time to get back to the Nightfire series (which spun itself off from Cry, Wolf after all, so I suppose I'm already back there anyway.)

I also got the hardback in the mail this week of The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas, Volume I: The Vampire Murders, which collects the first three episodes of the e-book serial into one book. It's a nice, slim volume. I always enjoy a good, short book. I like stories that get to the point. The second volume of the collected episodes should be much longer, but still, I really enjoy the way this one reads. One can say a great deal in a short book, and one can also write a long book that says nothing at all. So I have not yet written a 700-page novel myself, but if I ever do it will hopefully be for the reason that the story actually required that many pages. ;)