Monday, September 16, 2013

Focus, Glenn! Focus!

I wrote a couple of scenes in Nod #2 today. They both went a lot further than I had planned. One of the two scenes wasn't in the outline at all, and four of the characters weren't in the outline at all. That's when I know the story is telling itself. It was like the whole thing was just passing through me onto the page. I wrote about fourteen pages of manuscript. Pretty good, considering how long it's been since I actually wrote wrote (I mean outside of research notes of course).

Yes, I had hoped to get the story finished by the end of last week, but I got hung up on just exactly how much faster a unicorn could run than a horse, and how much faster a bionic unicorn could run than a regular unicorn really! I have pages of math all over the floor now, because I was that concerned over it! So I had to remind myself of the Rough Draft Rule. Just write it! Things like speed variations between steeds can be fixed in the next draft. I'm loony some times! But creating a fictional reality that allows for total escapism for the reader is important to me. I can't have weird mathematical mistakes about how fast Illium can travel a particular distance compared to a horse cropping up to make you all throw the book down, because I know you're all sitting there with calculators and self-drawn maps just looking for me to mess up!

Or not. Whatever. I'll fix it in the next draft, and no one will notice or even think about it other than me. That's the way it should be. ;)

Anyway, I'm writing again and feeling good about what's happening there. I'm loving all of the new characters in this one. Can't wait for y'all to read it. :)
