Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Hello again! I tried to post an update here on Monday night, but there was a storm, and just as I was posting it, I got kicked off-line, my computer froze up, and I had to go through an insane process to get it all working properly again. So there's my excuse. Of course, before that, it had been almost a week since I'd blogged. Now it's been OVER a week. I've been a very naughty writer. This week's been good though. Against all odds, The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas #4 The Ghost of Alexas Mansion went up on the site on Monday in free e-book form, and I'm so happy that the series is back! This cycle's going to be a fun ride. It was almost postponed again, due to issues with the cover art, but we miraculously resolved the problem when I realized my sister had done a composition years ago that fit the story line perfectly. It was hanging right there on her wall during the entire crisis, waiting to be noticed. And so the day was saved. I also posted haiku #16 on Monday. (sinister grin) Of course it's very deep and heartfelt. I weep whenever I read it. :) I've been pleasantly surprised by the positive feedback my readers have sent me regarding the haikus. It's just my little joke. I never expected people to love them so. But I'm glad. Of course ONE reader in particular absolutely hates them. (Hi, Mom!) But what does she know? I'm just sure I was adopted. And an accident at that. ;) The print edition went on sale on the Merchandise page of the site yesterday, getting back to Nightfire #4. That was also put off a few hours by the storm incident. It did manage to go up on the correct date though. Just a few hours later than I'd hoped. I was uploading the files when it all went down. I saw Kingdom of Heaven last night with Molly. It was fun. Is it just me, or does Orlando Bloom have amazing pecs? There I go again. I'm obsessed with "amazing pecs." It's all because I fear that one day, if I don't take action, I'm going to have breasts. By the end of the year, I plan to have it all taken care of. I have a trainer of sorts now. A monthly one. Once each month he's going to say, "You are THIS fat. Here's what you need to do to correct it and prevent the inevitable shopping for training bras." And I will do whatever he tells me. Then I'm gonna get a job stripping in gay bars. No, wait...I mean, then I'm happy and spend all day looking in the mirror. Okay, so I already do that. But I will get even more pleasure out of it. NOT stripping in gay bars! I mean looking in the mirror! You all have such filthy minds! This message has been brought to you by ONE HUGE PARAGRAPH.