Friday, February 04, 2011

Well, I have been keeping busy. There's a project going on at the church I work for that's been taking up a lot of time, but it's well worth the sacrifice. I've also been helping a friend of mine with some graphic design work for his Tae Kwon-Do school. In addition, I've been working on Clark Ink stuff, setting up things for this year's business. I'm revisiting all of my literary properties, seeing what the next step is for each one. I wrote a forward for a hypothetical re-release of The Great Debate that is in no way scheduled or even officially planned. I've also digitized the book, mostly for the purpose of releasing the stories in single versions through my Web site. In the process, however, a number of possibilities have opened up, so I'm seeing where they take me. I did some work today with graphic art. I worked on the cover art for "Night Light II," which I'm doing myself. I also went to Kinko's and re-reduced some original art from past projects to re-digitize for future use. When I'm not doing anything at all, I've been scanning all of my family's old photographs and trying to get them organized chronologically. So, yeah. I've been very busy.

I have some new, very late, episodes of White Rock Youth to edit and post. They keep getting delayed because of the project I mentioned at the beginning of this blog taking longer and longer. It all has to do with the youth group and the future of the group. Don't worry though, it's all on the way. We have some really silly videos I can't wait to put up. Also, "Night Light II" is still on the way, as are a number of other things that I can't mention just yet.

I was briefly on Twitter. I made two posts on January 22, when I opened the account. I then realized I had no real time or interest for getting into Twitter, when all I would use it for I already do on FaceBook and with more freedom. So, today I took down the Twitter link. I think, since I never bothered to send out an announcement about my being on Twitter, I had one follower the first day, who dropped me, probably because I never updated the account. If you want to follow me, or communicate with me, go to my FaceBook account! :) I am always happy to hear from my readers.

I'll have more to share with you soon! Peace!