Sunday, September 29, 2013

Writing Like Crazy

I've been writing like crazy lately!

I'm very near the end of the second Legends of Nod story. I would have finished Friday if not for other things going on.

I'm also getting much closer to where I need to be research-and-preparation-wise for the next novel I plan to write. I hope to get to it just as soon as I finish Nod #2 and what I hope to be this year's ghost story. Meanwhile, I've worked out the majority of the characters' back stories, the settings, and I'm hopefully going to get the chapters plotted some time today. Yesterday I read over some notes for this particular novel dating back to 1998, and I loved seeing that the story in my mind has remained the same for all this time. The only thing that has changed is the time setting, since it was originally going to be set in 1999, giving me a few lines I could use to mock the then-current fear that the world would end at the strike of midnight New Year's Day. Oh, well. Good thing that's not what the novel is actually about. The protagonist, as it turns out, made it through that time period without even realizing it. Its fun writing a character who doesn't quite realize that it isn't still 1997 and that he's no longer eighteen years old but in his mid-thirties; and while he wasn't paying any attention, the world moved on without him. Fun stuff. ;)

Things are good!