I've been overcoming adversity again. Now it's time to get back to work. I have been doing a little here and there. I've been researching the Victorian era, working on my computer, working on that darned print edition of "The Ghost in the Olive Grove" and "Project P." But really I haven't done much. So here is the new writing agenda, along with deadlines where they have been determined:
1) Continue redafting Metrogomes (July 14-22)
2) Research period (July 23-August 19)
3) Finish finalizing outline for the secod cycle of The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas (August 20-27)
4) Finish writing the second cycle of The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas (August 30-September 24)
5) Redraft the second cycle of The Chonicles of Nightfire, Texas (September 27-October 8)
6) Research period (October 11-22)
7) Write chapter-by-chapter otline for the second Metrognomes novel (October 29)
8) Write the second Metrognomes novel (November 2-TBA)
9) Redraft the second Metrognomes novel (Dates TBA)
10) Research period (Dates TBA)
And that's what I'll be working on for you as the year continues. After that, there are a number of projects I have to choose from. You can probably expect the next episode of The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas to be posted in November or December. I'm not sure if I'll have another book out this year or not. If there is one, it will probably be a collection of the first three episodes of The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas. The only other possibility involves me getting way ahead of schedule (LOL). Yeah. So there you have it. My entire writing schedule has now been published on the Web. That oughta keep me fairly honest.
From the Author's Desk
A blow-by-blow log of my more or less daily work as an author