Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Nod #2/Cry, Wolf 2nd Edition Update

I spent some time super early this morning working on my "fact checking" for The Legends of Nod #2. I've got an epic timeline for the universe, and I'm working on writing up all of the individual character bios to have as an easy reference as I write the series. It's a lot of fun, but can also be tedious. Actually, it's completely tedious, but when I let myself, I enjoy it anyway. :)

Later today, or tomorrow, I'll get back to working on the second edition of Cry, Wolf, which is in the polishing and formatting stage and will be rushed to press almost as soon as it's declared finished. I was hoping for a February release, but it may be March.

Meanwhile, my hardback novella The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas, Volume I: The Vampire Murders, is still set for release on Tuesday! This book collects the first three episodes of The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas e-book serial into one volume, and I've been wanting it published in this form since 2001, so it's been a long road. Volume II should follow later this year, collecting episodes 4-15. Fingers crossed. :)

And to the "day job!"

Friday, January 25, 2013

Too Tired to Blog!

Ugh...I'm too tired to blog. lol. But I wanted to check in. :)

I'm currently working on the final edit of the second edition of Cry, Wolf, which will include a brand new prologue and a subtitle. I also intend to simultaneously continue writing the second installment in The Legends of Nod. But more on all that later. For now, I'm way too tired and can't muster the needed energy to do much at all. I've been sort of under the weather the past few days. It's a stress thing, I'm pretty sure, and I hope to be coming out of it soon. I've got big things in store for you this year! :) I'll tell you something about it...some day when I've got the energy to actually blog. ;) Happy new year!