Saturday, October 30, 2004

I did some work scanning and then formatting a two-page short story that I wrote a few years ago called "Dr. Coffee's Pill." I am hoping to have it up on the Web site in November, but I am waiting on Val to do some art for me. I actally had to borrow her copy to scan though, so I have to get it back to her before she can start.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

I did a bit more redrafting on chapter 13 of Metrognomes. I still have to smooth some things out, since I deleted an entire chunk in the middle of it, to be reworked as an extension of chapter 7 with different characters. I redrafted chapters 14-19. Chapter 20, I reviewed and left as-is.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

At, The Great Debate trade paperback is ranked #7 in religious anthologies and #21 in gay anthologies. The hardback is ranked #11 in religious anthologies and#26 in gay anthologies. This is super cool. :)

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Also, The Great Debate trade paperback was at #24 earlier today at The Gay Vote under gay anthologies. Movin on up!

Redrafted chapters 9-the first part of 13. That's where it gets sticky. I have to backtrack and rework things a little. I knew I was going to add a new chapter here, but now I think it may work better earlier in the book and in a completely different setting.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Redrafted chapters 7 and 8 of Metrognomes.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Redrafted chapters 3-6 of Metrognomes.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Okay, I've got the new writing schedule worked out. So long as everything goes to plan, I will be working on the finishing touches of Metrognomes through November 15. The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas will be my focus then through February 28. Then I'll go back to Metrognomes for the second installment on March 1. I won't have a projected completion date for "Metrognomes II" until I've got a chapter-by-chapter outline. What I've decided is that until I finish all five books, the Metrognomes series is going to be my first priority. So I'll be trying to knock that out, while at the same time making sure that there is always a new Nightfire episode each month. When that's done, I'll possibly be doing the same thing with the three Cry, Wolf sequels. But this is all tentative. I have learned without a doubt that we can't anticipate everything. ;)

Monday, October 18, 2004

I finally have the second draft-in-progress of Metrognomes and a number of other crucial files downloaded onto the new computer. 100% clean. No viruses whatsoever. :) I've been listening to F.D.R.'s campaign song a lot lately, hoping for the same luck it brought him. Happy days are here again! :)

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Just trying to figure out this new software that will allegedly let me post pictures to my web log. This is me at my cousin Mary Clark's wedding reception. The meat was my friend. Posted by Hello

All right! We're going to have to all disregard that last entry, considering the fact that shortly after writing it, my new old computer became obsolete. Now I have a new NEW computer! This is the first brand new, never-before-used computer that I have ever owned. So now, I hope you'll all stay with me as I start again. I am going to get back to work redrafting Metrognomes just as soon as I can get the file onto this new computer. I also bought a new desk, but I haven't put it together yet. Fresh starts are nice. I'll try and have new dates posted for you to hold me to, just as soon as I can get it all sorted out. Meantime, I've been tinkering a bit with the outline for "Metrognomes II." On another note, I really love all my fans in the UK! The Gay Vote has The Great Debate listed as #26 (paperback) and #27 (hardback) in the gay sales ranking. Yet another UK bookstore has the book listed as #7 in religious book sales. How amazingly wonderful for my ego! So, thank you very much. As for the US, unfortunately, there have been some issues with Ingram, the group that distributes my books, and iUniverse, my publisher. They have made assurances that the problems will be resolved shortly, but in the meantime, there will only be two copies of The Great Debate available to stores in the US for the holiday season. That will smart! I'm not sure if the UK is affected by all this, because I don't know enough about how the books are distributed there. It all depends on if Ingram has anything to do with it. Whatever the case, it will all be worked out very soon, and I will keep you posted. Also, there are still some US bookstores that already had the book in stock before all of this occurred. So all is not lost. Outside of my writing, it's been a very rough year for me. I'm glad I have you, my devoted readers, to keep me going strong. I do it all for you. Well...most of it. A great deal of it anyway.