Monday, March 04, 2013

Metrognomes on Kindle, Phase 2: Worse than a Gremlin

So, truth to tell, the Metrognomes short stories were supposed to be re-issued on Kindle two years ago, but the overall release plan for my work kept shifting as new things developed, and they wound up postponed until we were closer to re-issuing the first novel. Now that we've got "Music of the Metrognomes" on Kindle, we're hard at work getting "Metrognomes: Worse than a Gremlin" ready for its Kindle debut.

Today I went over the approved text for the long postponed 2011 re-release. I think I only added one paragraph break and removed one comma, which = official Fourth Edition. lol. Since so much work was already done on this project two years ago, the hope is that this story will be out in the new format by next week. Then the next phase of getting Metrognomes on kindle will be the novel Metrognomes: The Shaman's Apprentice. Then we can take the series forward within the next couple of years with the long-awaited/promised sequel Metrognomes: Aradia's Wand, for which the big holdup is really coordinating my schedule with Molly Brimer's, so that we can have the kind of quality illustrations that really made the first novel stand out! I'm going to try to work through some other big projects this year so that I'll have something to release during the two or three years that I plan to spend working on nothing but the next four Metrognomes novels. It will take a little over six months for each book, if the schedule we had on the first one remains workable.

The takeaway from this blog? Metrognomes is alive and well, soon to be available on your Kindles and churning out new episodes within the next year or so! :)

I check in with my characters sometimes, while they wait for me to get back to work with them, because they live in my head and are sometimes quite noisy. At the moment, Pete is trying to convince Ak'ten to make a "Harlem Shake" video to put up on YouTube. Pete thinks it a necessary PR move. Ak'ten is...hesitant. I've got to get these guys back to work!

Peace! :)