Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I finished The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas #10 "The Many Burdens of Ray Don" this morning. So now, for the first time like ever, I'm actually sort of ahead. At least, once the Release Schedule has been sufficiently altered. Actually, despite what the Release Schedule may say, #10 is supposed to go up in about two weeks. So, yeah. I'm ahead. Woo-hoo! Tomorrow I'm going to start working on something completely new.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Haiku #53 went up today. It was inspired by real life events. Sort of. I had planned to go over the cover art and formatting of Nightfire #9 on Friday before I left town, but there just wasn't any time. My youth delegates had a productive weekend though, so it all works out for the best. Look for The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas #9 "The Many Burdens of Ray Don" to be posted on the site a week from today. In the mantime, I'll keep working on #10 and, probably, a new short story that's been just dying to come out.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I finished writing The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas #9 last night. Tonight I'll start work on #10. As for right now, I'll be eating a sandwich.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Two new haikus went up today, which makes up for none going up last week. I've been REALLY busy with youth stuff lately. Busy and loving it. We had a conference retreat this past weekend, and there's another one this coming weekend, so I sat down last night and figured out a workable writing schedule. We'll see how it all turns out.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Haiku #50 went up today! Woo-hoo! I did some work on Nightfire #9. I thought I'd finish it today, and I still may, but I had to stop and review all the previous episodes to work out Valen Alexas' personal chronology. I wrote out a three-page timeline just on what I've said about his life, so that I keep all the facts straight as I'm writing his journal. Writing characters in first person has never been my thing, but it's easy to get sucked into one I start.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Monday a new haiku and a The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas #8 The Phantom's Fury were both posted. I am about half way through the writing of Nightfire #9. I'm trying to get caught up so that I can focus on the release of Metrognomes.