Happy new year!
I've had some major setbacks in the past couple of months--some technical, some physical--but I've finally gotten enough things sorted out that I can begin to figure where to start writing again.
After a stress-related overnight stay in the hospital the day after the election (which totally went my way, as far as the office of the president was concerned) resulting from an almost heart-attack that totally freaked me out, followed by the extremely stressful prospect of de-stressing my life, then losing all of the files I had on my backup disk and my computer, I finally started writing again yesterday. I wrote the first eight pages of a short story sequel to "Night Light," and I had a lot of fun. This story will officially combine the continuities of the Nightfire universe and the Ghost in the Olive Grove/Night Light universe, because one of the characters from "Christian's Dilemma" has a fairly large role.
So, that's what I'm working on right now. I'm going to spend some time working on short fiction to kick off 2009. It feels good to be at it again!
As for my health, the doctors couldn't find anything physically wrong with me, which led them to conclude, non-conclusively, that I had suffered a severe stress-related panic attack. I am otherwise perfectly healthy. No signs of a heart-attack, no clogged arteries, no blood clots, healthy lungs. I just need to stop moving planets around in my off time, and everythiong should go rather more smoothly from here on out. So it's back to my short stories! And I have some interesting tales to tell, I assure you. Just wait until you read "The Trial of Ooga Booga."
From the Author's Desk
A blow-by-blow log of my more or less daily work as an author