Lots of Web site troubles lately! You may have noticed how tardy the haikus have been the last few weeks. #71 and 72 went up on November 23, which was a week late for #71. That week, the trouble was that the Web site wouldn't let me paste without freezing up the entire computer and forcing a reboot. Fortunately, a way around the problem was found after just one week. It could have been worse. :)
#73 went up today, just two days late. The trouble this time was that every time I logged into the Web site editor, it suggested I open an account, rather than taking me to the one I already have. The problem at last resolved itself, and so we are back on track for the time being.
We're still working on Ooga Booga issues, but they may be resolved sooner than I was beginning to fear. It all comes down to money and understanding the limits of my Internet provider, which I don't, but the bill was significantly lower than anticipated this month, so things are looking up.
From the Author's Desk
A blow-by-blow log of my more or less daily work as an author