Health Update
First of all, thank you so much for all the private messages I received after my last blog entry. I truly appreciated all of the helpful suggestions and thoughts on what my symptoms could be indicative of.
The other day, I finally did get to a doctor. Thursday morning, I was driving somewhere else altogether, when I decided to change direction and head for the hospital, since I was having such a struggle getting a breath, and my heartbeat was all over the place. I still don't have any answers, but they ran tests and documented the irregularities in my blood pressure and EKG readings. I was given an appointment to follow up on Friday, and all that was accomplished at that second appointment was the scheduling of two more tests and another follow up appointment.
Later this week, I'll be hooked up to a heart monitor for twenty-four hours. Should be fun. lol I just go in, get hooked up, then go about my day. Meanwhile, according to the doctors, I really must form some bad habits, like smoking, drinking, and eating chocolate bars, so that I might then quit them and in so doing vastly improve my health. I have also been instructed, by two individual doctors, to seek immediate medical attention if I pass out. I'll let you know how that works out, if I find myself passed out and headed to the emergency room.
They are also going to do a test this week to see if there is a hole in my heart. They didn't indicate a suspicion there, just something they are going to be checking for.
All said and done, it will be the 11th of April before I am referred to a proper cardiologist. These tests are apparently a prerequisite.
I'm quite behind on my writing schedule as a result of all this. It's hard to write when I sit down at the computer and all I can think about is the struggle to breathe. I'm having a good moment though, so I thought it would be good to post an update. Hopefully this good moment will stretch on into a good day, then a good week, month, year, et cetera.
Thanks again for all the love! Hopefully my next blog will have at least something to do with writing. Now that the new edition of Metrognomes: The Shaman's Apprentice is out, I want to do a blog all about it, but I just haven't had the energy. If I have another good moment, that one will be up next.
And now I must return to my glorious quest for immortality! :)