Two days ago, lots of new stuff went on sale on the Web site. The "Night Light" poster was released in two different sizes, and the rest of the T-shirts from The Great Debate were re-issued in black and ringer versions. The original white versions are also still available. I am currently trying to set up a time and place to do my photo for the Metrognomes book jacket.
From the Author's Desk
A blow-by-blow log of my more or less daily work as an author
Friday, July 28, 2006
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Yesterday I invented a new story, which I told to my youth group as part opf our worship last night. It worked wonderfully. I must write it out properly while it's fresh on my mind. It's one of those deep, short stories that just appear in my head when I need them. Sort of like "The Rainbow-Colored Sheep." This one's about acorns....sort of. I have no idea what to call it, but once I write it out, surely a title will come to me.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Okay, with my sister's brutal assistance, I now have the blurb down to 196 words. (Single tear.) It's good. I may tweak it just a bit. So that takes care of that. The longer blurb may still be used on the publisher's Web site.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Today I re-wrote the text for the Metrognomes book jacket. I like it a lot now, but I still have to cut 89 words out of it to make it fit. Grrrr! I hate this crap! My sister is editing it for me right now, because I hate doing it so much. It'll be far easier for her to chop up my work than it is for me to do it myself.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
The Release Schedule page on my Web site has been reworked. It seems I can't juggle all of my personal projects as well as I once could, now that I'm heading a youth program (which I love!). It's taken me some months to figure this out, and my writing has suffered for it. There have been delays in the Metrognomes release, because I haven't had the time to address minor publication issues; The next chapter in The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas hasn't even been written yet; The Penny Dreadful #1 has been ready to go text-wise, but I haven't had the time to work with anyone on the cover art. Basically, what I am going to have to do, if I am going to do anything at all, is take things one project at a time. There may be overlap where the publication dates are concerned, but I will only actually be focusing on one thing at a time. This is why the release schedule has been reworked, and some things have been put under the banner of "Release Date Unknown." My first concern will be getting these projects-in-limbo out of limbo. Right now, I am going to be working with the publishers on getting Metrognomes in your hands. When I've achieved that, I'll tell you what I'm doing next.